Helping people find a new place to shine.
About me
Following a first career in banking, I found myself looking for a way to use the skills that I had developed over the past 26 years to help others into their first jobs. I worked for a Supported Employment project for three years before getting involved in the pilot for Supported Internships at a local Further Education (FE) College. There is no doubt that the more input that young people get to learn employability skills before they enter the workplace, the better they are able to contribute positively from the day they arrive.
It was apparent though, working in FE, that there was a need to start even earlier, especially with young people who had additional challenges to overcome, so since 2017 I have been working with an amazing group of college students aged 15-19 to look at how we can make the transition to work a better experience for both sides.
At the same time, it is critical that employers and other agencies feel confident to get the most out of their new recruits and so I have been working alongside them too. The government’s Access to Work scheme enables direct support right in the workplace to enable the people living with a long term health condition or disability not just to do a job but to flourish. Providing training for experienced employees who would like to mentor those entering the workplace for the first time is a natural progression, building on ten years of doing just that.
Supporting a couple of amazing local authorities who run projects to signpost and encourage all kinds of amazing job seekers in their areas, has also given me a chance to really understand the current job market and keep closely in touch as things develop. In so many cases, it just needs someone to uncover the hidden skills and strengths of an individual to get that great match.
So if you are looking for some support with a particular barrier to employment, I may not know all the answers but if I don’t then I will probably know someone who does!